Our Valid Terms and Conditions (T&C) of Palletspace (Translated - The German version applies)

§ 1 Contractual Partner and Scope

1. Palletspace is a brand of Warespace GmbH & Co. KG, Technologiepark 22, 33100 Paderborn (“Warespace”). Contracts concluded via the Palletspace internet platform are concluded between Warespace and the respective customer.

2. These terms and conditions apply to all contracts concluded on the Palletspace internet platform. Any conflicting terms and conditions of the customer are not accepted by Warespace.

3. The offer from Palletspace is exclusively aimed at entrepreneurs within the meaning of § 14 BGB.

§ 2 Conclusion of Contract

1. All prices listed on the Palletspace internet platform are non-binding. By clicking the 'Order bindingly' button, the customer makes a binding offer to conclude a contract.

2. Warespace may accept this offer within 24 hours. Acceptance takes place by sending an order confirmation.

3. At least 80% of the booked capacities must be occupied by the 3rd working day after the booked entry date or before the booked exit date. If this is not the case, 80% of the booked pallet spaces will be charged at the rate per pallet per day of the booked location.

4. The customer confirms that they have carefully read and will comply with the requirements and guidelines for the order before placing the order. Should additional costs arise due to non-compliance with packaging instructions, goods regulations, or other requirements, these will be charged 100% to the customer.

Right of Cancellation

As our customers are business customers, there is no right of withdrawal according to the statutory provisions for distance contracts (§ 312g para. 1 BGB). Our services are specifically tailored to the needs of our business customers and include the provision of storage spaces and related services that are individually provided for the customer.

Goodwill Regulation Before Start of Storage

If you find before the start of storage that you no longer need the booked storage spaces, we offer you the opportunity to find a solution within the framework of our goodwill regulation. Please contact us immediately in this case to discuss a mutually agreeable solution.

Deadlines for Cancellation

The cancellation period depends on the order quantity:

Up to 50 pallets: 24 hours before storage date

51 - 100 pallets: 48 hours before storage date

101 - 500 pallets: 1 week before storage date

Over 501 pallets: 2 weeks before storage date

If the deadline is not met, the following cancellation fees apply:

100% of the inbound goods costs for the pre-booked number of pallets

100% of the storage fee costs for the pre-booked number of pallets for a period of up to/maximum 30 days

For storage booked for less than 30 days, the number of days booked will be charged for the number of pallets as a storage fee

For storage booked for more than 30 days, 30 days will be charged for the number of pallets as a storage fee

Procedure for Cancellation

The cancellation must be made via the booking platform or in writing and can be sent by email or post to the address provided in the imprint. The cancellation should include the contract number and a detailed list of the affected stored goods to ensure smooth processing. Warespace will confirm the cancellation in writing.

§ 3 Application of ADSp 2017

Unless otherwise agreed in these General Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the ADSp 2017 apply to the contracts concluded between Warespace and the customer.

§ 4 Requirements for the Goods

1. Commercial goods are stored and transported on Euro pallets, half pallets, or mesh boxes with the following maximum dimensions:

Euro pallet: 120 x 80 x max. 180 cm (LxWxH) and a maximum weight of 800 KG

Half pallet: 60 x 80 x max. 180 cm (LxWxH) and a maximum weight of 800 KG

Stackable mesh box: 120 x 80 x 97 cm (LxWxH) and a maximum weight of 1500 KG

Open mesh box: 120 x 80 x max. 180 cm (LxWxH) and a maximum weight of 1500 KG

2. The following goods are excluded from storage and transport as prohibited goods:

a) Cash and cash-equivalent documents, e.g. stamps, securities, bills of exchange, passbooks; credit, bank or debit cards, phone cards, and prepaid cards (e.g. for mobile phones), software licenses or comparable value certificates;

b) metals, jewelry, gemstones, real pearls, furs, carpets, watches, antiques, works of art, vouchers, and tickets;

c) Goods that violate legal provisions;

d) Firearms and parts of firearms according to the definitions of German weapons law;

f) Goods that are suitable for injuring persons or causing property damage; live or dead animals; medical or biological specimens; human or animal mortal remains, body parts, or organs;

g) Perishable goods such as chilled goods, frozen goods, fresh products such as meat, fish, and seafood, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables, cut flowers;

h) Dangerous goods, unless handed over under a special agreement;

i) Medicines, unless accepted under a special agreement;

j) Non-hazardous and/or hazardous waste within the meaning of § 3 para. 1 in conjunction with paras. 2 to 4 in conjunction with Annexes 1 and 2 to § 3 para. 2 of the German Recycling Management Act in the version applicable at the time of the conclusion of the contract, transport, or storage;

k) Any radiation-sensitive goods that may be damaged due to screening, particularly by X-rays, during security checks according to clause 6;

l) Goods that require special treatment (e.g., that are particularly fragile or may only be transported lying on one side).

§ 5 Handling of Transport Related to Storage

1. Warespace is entitled to carry out transports on its own or to commission third parties to carry out the transport.

2. Pallet exchange is not owed.

§ 6 Liability / Insurance

1. The parties are liable to each other according to the statutory provisions under the limitations of liability of ADSp 2017.

2. Warespace has taken out standard market liability insurance. Warespace is only obligated to provide warehouse or transport insurance on the customer's express and chargeable order.

3. Warespace is not liable for damages resulting from non-compliance or violation of the customer's confirmed requirements, regulations, and instructions regarding goods and packing instructions.

§ 7 Remuneration

1. Warespace will issue an invoice for the agreed remuneration after the service has been provided or monthly. The remuneration is due for payment immediately upon receipt of the invoice. Payments are to be made to the account specified in the invoice.

2. If the customer demands the goods before the agreed storage period expires, the full remuneration is still payable.

3. If the customer does not retrieve the goods completely by the end of the booked storage period, Warespace is entitled to demand additional remuneration. This is calculated based on the agreed remuneration and additional costs incurred, such as transfer costs plus 25% of the costs.

4. If 80% of the booked pallet spaces are not reached, the customer will be charged after the 3rd working day of the booked goods receipt or up to 3 days before the booked goods issue. In such a case, the costs amount to 80% of the booked capacities in euros per pallet per day at the booking price of the booked location.

§ 8 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Only German law applies, excluding the UN Sales Law.

The exclusive place of jurisdiction for disputes arising from the contracts concluded and their initiation is Paderborn. In the area of application of the CMR, this is an additional place of jurisdiction.

Jonas Tritschallek

I am happy to advise you personally.

I will show you how to book your storage spaces online, manage your inventory digitally, and optimize your logistics.

  • Flexible storage spaces
  • Digital inventory management
  • Transparent pricing
  • 24/7 support
  • Secure
  • Efficient